School Principal Message

It is rightly told that the destiny of India is shaped within the four walls of the classroom .Todays child is a citizen of tomorrow .So, the schools are the right platform to impart quality education along with nurturing the non-scholastic areas which help the child to develop in to responsible citizen of the country. Keeping in view to cater the educational needs of children of frequently transferable central government employees kendriya Vidyalaya were established in 1963in 20(twenty)regimental schools. Now we have more than 1100 schools and 3schools in foreign countries. We have grown both quantitatively and qualitatively as well. Now KVs are the pioneering educational institutions of the country and branded as pace setters and second to none in field of education.

KV Vyasanagar was established in September 2016 in a temporary buildings in N.C High school campus ,Jajpur road .Within these three years this Vidyalaya has strived hard to put feathers after feather in its cap .Now ,this school provides facilities such as-library with adequate books for children both in English ,well maintained computer lab with 24 computers and L.C.D projector ,scouts and guides unit ,a small playground ,SBSB programme, Back to basic and joyful learning in primary classes ,A.C.P ,Anandvar ,BALA to children .Ten acres of land has been acquired from Govt of Odisha for construction of its own new building at Itapur .As far as train and bus connectivity is concerned this place is well connected by both the means of transportation .After construction of the new building I hope it would develop into a very good Vidyalaya of this region and fulfil all the hopes and aspiration of students and parents of Jajpur Road.